Uses of Class

Packages that use Tracer Extensions and partial specialisations of core Superficial types. Core types for custom viewers. 
facets.core.superficial Superficial targeting mechanism and and simple targets. Superficial views, selection, content areas and hosts. 
facets.facet Surface building. General application building. Generic tree viewer application classes. 
facets.idiom Examples of idiomatic use of Facets API. 
facets.util General-purpose utilities and non-Superficial interfaces. Non-Superficial types for application management. 
facets.util.datatree Simple XML-compatible trees. 
facets.util.geom Plane geometry. 
facets.util.shade Abstract colours. 
facets.util.treecode Construction and referencing of objects defined by DataNodes. 

Uses of Tracer in

Subclasses of Tracer in
 class ActionAppSurface
          AppSurface defining application actions and management.
 class ActionViewerTarget
          ViewerTarget that couples ViewableActions to STriggers.
 class AppActions
          Can launch dialogs and create root target elements on behalf of a ActionAppSurface.
 class AppSpecifier
          AppValues that defines policy for an AppSurface.
 class AppSurface
          Implements SSurface for both single- and multi-content applications.
static class AppSurface.ContentRoot
          Heads a content area tree for use in an application surface.
 class ArrayPath
          OffsetPath for array-based content.
 class Dialogs
          Builds and launches modal dialogs on behalf of an AppSurface.
 class DialogSurface
          Implements SSurface for modal dialogs.
static class DialogSurface.ContentRoot
          Heads a content area tree for use in a dialog page.
 class FrameGroup
          STarget that enables multiple selection.
 class FrameGroup.Proxy
 class HtmlContent
          Stateful container for mutable HTML source.
 class HtmlView
          TextView displaying rich text defined using HTML.
 class ListView
          TreeView that displays only the direct children of its root.
 class NodePath
          OffsetPath for TypedNode trees that can index into their TypedNode.values().
 class NodeViewable
          StatefulViewable for tree-type content.
 class SimpleContenter
          SContenter that builds a content root with no viewers.
 class StatefulViewable<S extends Stateful>
          ViewableFrame with Stateful content.
 class TableView
          SelectionView that generates tabular viewer data.
 class TextTreeView
          TreeView that converts TypedNodes to (typically HTML) text.
 class TextView
          SView displaying plain or rich text.
 class TreeView
          SelectionView for TypedNode content.
 class ValueContent
          Encapsulates common operations on ValueNode content.
 class ValueEdit
          Encapsulates editing of a ValueNode using an input dialog.
 class ViewerContenter
          SContenter that builds content roots containing viewers.

Uses of Tracer in

Subclasses of Tracer in
 class AvatarPolicies
          Mix-in for avatar creation, painting and drag policies.
 class AvatarViewWorks
          SelectionView that (partially) implements AvatarView.
 class PlaneViewWorks
          AvatarViewWorks that implements PlaneView.
 class ZoomPanViewWorks
          PlaneViewWorks that implements ZoomPanView.

Uses of Tracer in facets.core.superficial

Subclasses of Tracer in facets.core.superficial
 class SFrameTarget
          Extends TargetCore by framing application content to be exposed directly to facets.
 class SIndexing
          STarget representing one or more indices into a list of items.
static class SIndexing.Coupler
          Connects an SIndexing to the application.
 class SNumeric
          STarget representing a numeric value.
 class STextual
          STarget representing a textual value.
static class STextual.Coupler
          Connects a STextual to the application.
 class SToggling
          STarget representing a Boolean value.
static class SToggling.Togglings
          A set of STogglings based on an int[].
 class STrigger
          STarget representing an application process.
 class TargetCore
          Implements STarget.
 class TargeterCore
          Implements STargeter.

Uses of Tracer in

Subclasses of Tracer in
 class AreaTargeter
          Ancestor class of all targeters returned by SAreaTargets.
 class IndexingFrame
          SelectingFrame that selects with an SIndexing.
static class IndexingFrame.FrameTargeter
          Targeter for an IndexingFrame.
 class IndexingTarget
          STarget with indexing of STarget children.
 class IndexingTargeter
          FrameTargeter for an IndexingTarget.
 class SAreaTarget
          Represents viewers and other surface areas to the targeter tree.
 class SContentRootTargeter
          Heads the targeter tree for a content area.
 class SelectingFrame
          SFrameTarget that maintains a SSelection.
 class SelectionView
          SSelection-aware SView implementation.
 class ViewableFrame
          SelectingFrame that can respond to input from SViewers and ViewableActions.
 class ViewerTarget
          Connects a facet to the viewer and retargeting architectures.

Uses of Tracer in facets.facet

Subclasses of Tracer in facets.facet
 class AreaFacets
          Sub-factory for viewer, area and surface facets.
 class FacetFactory
          Factory that creates and lays out facets.
static class FacetFactory.ComboCoupler
          Coupler for any combination of indexed list and text box.
 class FacetMaster
          Integrates a custom widget assembly with the facet builder API.
static class FacetMaster.Simple
          Builds and manages widget assembly for a simple facet.
static class FacetMaster.Viewer
          Builds and manages avatar pane for a viewer facet.
 class SwingSimpleMaster
          Builds and manages Swing panel for a simple facet.
 class SwingViewerMaster
          Builds and manages Swing pane for a viewer facet.
static class SwingViewerMaster.Form
          SwingViewerMaster defined by a ViewerPaneForm.
 class ValueDialogContenter
          FacetDialogContenter for ValueNode content such as that of AppValues.

Uses of Tracer in

Subclasses of Tracer in
 class FacetAppActions
          AppActions for a FacetAppSurface.
 class FacetAppSpecifier
          AppSpecifier that builds and launches the FacetAppSurface that it specifies.
 class FacetAppSurface
          ActionAppSurface with a built-in FacetFactory.
 class FacetDialogContenter
          SimpleContenter that creates content for a dialog in a FacetAppSurface.
static class FacetDialogContenter.PanelFacets
          FacetFactory for use by FacetDialogContenter.
 class FacetDialogSurface
          DialogSurface with attached FacetFactory.
static class FacetDialogSurface.MultiPaged
          FacetDialogSurface for multi-page dialogs.
 class FileAppActions
          FacetAppActions for an application that reads and writes files.
 class WindowAppHost
          AppHost that manages a window for a FacetAppSurface.

Uses of Tracer in

Subclasses of Tracer in
 class TreeAppContenter
          ViewerContenter that manages content for TreeAppSpecifier.
 class TreeAppFacets
          FacetFactory for use with TreeAppContenter.
 class TreeAppSpecifier
          FacetAppSpecifier for simple applications with DataNode content.
 class TreeTargets
          Defines STargets encapsulating useful actions on DataNode content.

Uses of Tracer in facets.facet.toolkit.swing

Subclasses of Tracer in facets.facet.toolkit.swing
 class facets.facet.toolkit.swing.ViewerMaster

Uses of Tracer in facets.idiom

Subclasses of Tracer in facets.idiom
 class Datatree
          Demonstrates idiomatic use of types from facets.util.datatree.
 class IdiomApplet
          Platform for desktop applets demonstrating Facets idioms.
 class XmlView
          TreeAppSpecifier that defines a utility application for viewing and editing simple tree content.

Uses of Tracer in facets.util

Subclasses of Tracer in facets.util
 class FileNode
          DataNode that knows about Files.
 class FileSpecifier
          Extension-based file filtering and name building.
 class HtmlBuilder
          Encapsulates assembly of HTML code.
 class NumberPolicy
          Validation and display of numbers.
static class NumberPolicy.Ticked
          Validation and tick-based display of numbers.
static class NumberPolicy.ValueVariable
          NumberPolicy.Ticked that adjusts to changes in the value managed.
 class NumberValues
          Encapsulates management of numeric values stored in a ValueNode.
 class OffsetPath
          Abstract path through a data structure.
 class PackedSerialized
          Converts between Serializables and compressed bytes.
 class StatefulCore
          Basic Stateful which stamps each state change.
 class TextLines
          Reads from and where allowed writes lines to a wrapped text file reference.

Methods in facets.util with parameters of type Tracer
static TracerInput.getFile(Tracer tracer, dir, FileSpecifier specifier)
          Encapsulates getting a file using console input.
 java.lang.Object TracerInput.getInput(Tracer tracer)
          Returns a value following console input.
static java.lang.Object TracerInput.getItemChoice(Tracer tracer, java.lang.String rubricTop, java.lang.Object[] items, java.lang.String... optionNames)
          Returns a value chosen from a list.
static java.lang.Object TracerInput.getItemChoice(Tracer tracer, java.lang.String rubric, java.lang.String[] items)
          Cover for TracerInput.getItemChoice(Tracer, String, Object[], String...).

Uses of Tracer in

Subclasses of Tracer in
 class AppValues
          Can persist/depersist configuration and session state/user preferences.
 class AppWatcher
          High-level monitor of application program operation.
static class AppWatcher.WatcherCoupler
          Enables client code to communicate with AppWatcher.
 class BusyCursor
          Sets the application busy cursor.
 class MemoryChecks
          Checks memory availability, especially for use by ProvidingCache.
 class ProvidingCache
          Cache that encapsulates the creation of items to be stored.

Uses of Tracer in facets.util.datatree

Subclasses of Tracer in facets.util.datatree
 class DataNode
          Mutable, persistable TypedNode.
 class ExceptionNode
          Wraps an exception in a DataNode.
static class Nodes.TreeRoot
          Provides for (de)persisting the contents of a DataNode.
 class TypedNode<V>
          Defines simple tree node.
 class ValueNode
          DataNode whose values can be stored and retrieved using keys.
 class XmlDocRoot
          Reads and writes a DataNode tree as an XML document.
 class XmlPolicy
          Defines document and other policy for an XmlDocRoot, in particular XmlSpecifiers for loading and saving content.
 class XmlSpecifier
          FileSpecifier with attached XmlPolicy.

Uses of Tracer in facets.util.geom

Subclasses of Tracer in facets.util.geom
 class AnglePolicy
          Validation and display of angle values.

Uses of Tracer in facets.util.shade

Subclasses of Tracer in facets.util.shade
static class Shades.HSBPolicy
          Policy for shade HSB values.
static class Shades.RGBPolicy
          Policy for shade RGB values.

Uses of Tracer in facets.util.treecode

Subclasses of Tracer in facets.util.treecode
 class TreeCodeContext<T extends TreeCoded>
          TreeCoded that provides for referencing of TreeCodeds by TreeCoded.Label.
 class TreeCoded
          Wraps a DataNode containing its code and has a (possibly empty) TreeCoded.Label.
 class TreeCodeTypes
          Defines the TreeCodeTypes available to a TreeCoded framework.